Monday, September 28, 2009

Moving Again And Staying The Winter

We stayed until after Thanksgiving at my sons' house, but my husband became more and more aggitated with the teenagers. Just before Christmas I got a call from my other son- his sister was moving out and he would lose his place. My husband and I decided to move into his trailer to help him out.

So, once again we moved- it was getting easier as all we had that was not in storage fit into our van easily. I began to understand how a gypsy might feel! I didn't have much of a Christmas spirit by then- but that is a holiday I refuse to forget. We bought a cheap fake tree and some decorations at the dollar store and forced ourselves to get in the mood!

The trailer was old and drafty but it was at least a roof over our heads for the winter. We made it through the holidays and almost to spring when the landlady told us we would have to move. She had lost her home to forclosure and needed to move back into her trailer! So once again house hunting we went! The scary part was that our TRA benefits(Fancy unemployment) were just about done.

We managed to find a small 2 bedroom duplex- nothing fancy but it was a month to month rental so we at least had a place while we continued looking for something better. We moved in there in March of 2008. Our TRA would run out in April- hopefully we would be able to find a job before then!

We went to the temp services in town and registered again with them. My husband got a pretty good one running a cnc machine like he had at our old shop. A week later I got a job in a plastic factory. It was hard work and we only got one fifteen minute break during our shift. Many nights I would come home with blistered and bleeding hands.

I lasted about three weeks there- then got laid off again. My husband made it five weeks before he got laid off from the shop he worked at. His shop was going to close its doors too! Since he had turned 62 he decided to apply for early social security- at least we would have some kind of income that was steady!

We couldn't pay our rent that was due on June first- he hadn't gotten his social security yet and I had just started a housekeeping job at a resort- so we moved back to my sons' house again! I wasn't sure at the time how much more I could take of this. Would we ever be a normal family again? Would we ever find decent employment?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, have faith. Everything will turn out just fine.

I don't expect you to remember, but you followed my blog. I lost access to that, so I made a new one. If you are still interested, please visit. I do so loved your comments!