Saturday, September 26, 2009

Moving To A New Home With No Money

As I said in my last post - the landlord decided to up the rent so we decided to move. Let me tell you something, as soon as you call a place for rent around this area and mention being on unemployment you are turned down. I can understand the concern but it doesn't make it any easier for the poor soul trying to keep a roof over their head.

What actually happened was rather weird but it worked. I have a son who was renting a 3 bedroom trailer in the country and at the time was having a hard time paying his rent because of slow work at his job. So, the plan was tht we would put all our stuff in storage and move in with him. Now, remember we also had my daughter,her husband and two of their kids to figure out what to do with also! The original plan went like this: my son and grandson would share a room, my daughter and her husband would have a room and the granddaughter would have a room. We were going to figure how to divide the living room off for a space big enough for my husband and I to put our bed! It would have been very cramped indeed!

As it turns out my oldest son, who has 3 teen agers and a bigger home called and wanted to know if my husband and I would like to spend the summer with them and kind of keep an eye on things at the house while they were both at work. He would not charge us anything to stay there! Hey, not a bad plan I must admit.

Moving day was a bit tricky, my husband still had stitches in his leg from his last hospital ordeal so he could not do any lifting- he became the truck driver. I do not have any idea where all the stuff we moved ever came from but there was a lot of it! My husband and I stayed the last night there to finish the cleaning and make sure everything was taken care of. The next day we went to my son's house to begin a new life.

All the family loves my husbands cooking and that was what the grandkids looked forward to the most- that and hanging out with their "cool grandma" as they put it! Since my husband could not go up and down stairs we took over the oldest boy's room at first and he went to the basement. As soon as the stitches were out we moved down there and gave him his room back!

It was hard for my husband to put up with 3 teenagers and their wild music but he was a pretty good sport about it. My son and his wife both enjoyed the fact that dinner was done when they came home from work and usually the housework was done too. As the summer went on and we looked for non -existing jobs reality started to set in. We were actually homeless- we had never had to stay with one of our kids before and although it was nice of them it was depressing to know that we were unable to be on our own.

We did take our two granddaughters on a weeks vacation that August to Mackinaw Island and Sault Ste. Marie. It was a fun time and the girls still talk about it. I could tell that by October my husband was getting extremely irratable with all the teens hanging around all the time so we decided to go to a motel in town that had townhouses to rent by the week. It would cost us 300.00 a week to stay there but at least it would be a little quieter for him. We lasted three weeks and realized that we had a choice- he would have to go without his monthly medications or we would have to move back to my sons house. Without his medications he could die so back we went! For the first time in years I sat down and cried- I had always been able to keep it together but now I had no plan for the future and nowhere to turn to get one.

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